Mining Industry Applications
Gilmour & Company can provide lime for application on heap leach pads, mine waste water, lagoons or ponds, as well as lime slurry backup for site slaker maintenance and repair.
We can provide portable slakers and, in some cases, tanker trucks to transfer the slurry where needed as well as pumping equipment for lime application.

Liming an acid pond is a frequent solution for mine waste ponds.
Odor and pH Control
Applying lime slurry to a pond effectively accomplishes the objective of raising the pH and/or controlling odor. This application allows the lime to spread evenly on the surface and begin neutralization before settling to the bottom. In contrast, single-point discharge has a tendency to saturate the local area, causing unreacted lime to settle out.
A lime slurry is easily and safely spread onto the surface of a pond in a dust-free application for pH adjustment. It is a pronounced benefit over the hazardous approach of dumping sacks of lime into a pond or attempting to apply it in a dry, bulk form.
Gilmour & Company is experienced in working with industrial, municipal and hazardous waste ponds.

We work with you to find a way to apply lime to a pond for odor control and pH adjustment.
Waste Stabilization
Alkaline admixtures are routinely used to treat hazardous wastes. Gilmour & Company can work with a customer to test various admixtures that can successfully stabilize the waste over the desired length of time.
Soil Remediation
Lime slurry is spread evenly over arsenic tainted ground to be later pulverized in surface treatment of heavy metals.